Voyage Ohio Magazine | Hidden Gems: Meet Shaniece M. Wise

business Nov 02, 2023
Hidden Gems: Meet Shaniece M. Wise

Voyage Ohio Magazine featured me as one of the hidden gems in Ohio! I am honored to be a part of their digital feature, and I hope my insights and advice help you along your business journey.

In the article, I talked about my journey as an entrepreneur, shared client success stories, and shared some challenges I faced while building my business. One of my proud moments as a business owner is having the opportunity to serve my clients and help them reach their business goals. I shared many client success stories in the article, but here are two snippets:

  • Breanne Thompson joined my coaching program in June, only earning $20,000 up to that point as an Airbnb SuperHost. After working with me for five months, she generated over $100,000 in her business and, after 20 months, surpassed $300,000.
  • Acquania Escarne, CEO of Wealth Strategist & CEO of The Purpose of Money, joined my program and had her highest month ever at $16,000.

Furthermore, I shared many moments of my life that have been both challenging and successful. Another proud moment was when God tried to tell me about my gift, even at a young age. At age twelve, I started a profitable lemonade stand (well, as profitable as it can be, selling cups for 50 cents each!). As I got older, many of my family and friends saw my gift too. Everyone around me started calling me “Boss Lady.” It’s incredible that even when we don’t realize our God-given gift, everyone around us will begin to call it out.

Everyone has a gift; it’s just a matter of activating them. If you have identified your gift but need help to bring it to life, purchase my book, Activating Your Gifts 2nd Edition: 15 Steps to Identifying Your Gifts to Prepare for Entrepreneurship. If you are an established business owner needing proper guidance, schedule a call with me today.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be featured in Voyage Ohio Magazine. It's been a great experience sharing my story, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. Read the full article here.

Thank you for reading!


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