What if it is Time to Shift in Your Business?

business Sep 05, 2024

Friend, are you paying attention to what’s going on around you?

There are many times when we don’t pay attention to what’s happening in our economy. We don’t listen to the market or God, and we find ourselves stuck in one place for far too long. As business owners, staying in a space that no longer serves our growth keeps us from the opportunities God puts in front of us.

Like many of you, I found myself in this situation. I was so focused on running my coaching firm the way I always had that I failed to notice the changing landscape. The market was evolving, and I needed to redefine my audience. I had to overcome my fear and share my true self, embracing challenges as opportunities. I talk about challenges and opportunities on Day 1, titled “Embracing Challenges as Opportunities" in my new book, Where Faith and Business Collide: 30 Powerful Promises to Pray Over Your Business, Reminding You That God Still Sits on the Throne.

The longer you stay in one place when it’s time to change, the more you risk missing out on the blessings and direction God has prepared for your next chapter. I could not afford to stay in the same place because the market had changed, and my client base needed more. Now, I’m excited about where God is leading my business. Though some areas are unfamiliar, I trust His lead, knowing that staying stagnant would hold me back from growth.

Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” This reminds us that God is constantly working, making new paths for us even when we feel stuck. To align with His plan, we must listen to His voice and be attentive to the shifts around us.

Staying in one place - whether it’s holding on to an outdated business model or resisting change - can stifle your growth. God calls us to be adaptable, to move when He says move. If you’re feeling that nudge in your business, don’t ignore it. God may be leading you toward something greater.

To understand when it’s time to shift in your business, seek God’s guidance through prayer. Ask for clarity and courage to make the necessary changes. Pay attention to the signs in the market, your clients, and the economy - God may be speaking to you through these external signals.

Remember, God is always doing something new in your business and in your life. Stay open to His direction, listen to His voice, and embrace the changes He calls you to make.

Don’t forget to grab a copy of my new book, Where Faith and Business Collide: 30 Powerful Promises to Pray Over Your Business, Reminding You That God Still Sits on the Throne.


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