Is Your Business Growing or Sustaining?

business Sep 17, 2024

As business owners, we often get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to take a step back and ask ourselves a crucial question: Is my business growing, or is it just maintaining? Both seasons can teach us valuable lessons, but they require different approaches to navigate effectively.

I've personally been in both seasons. There were times when I was just trying to keep my head above water, managing the demands of my business without much room to grow. Then, there were seasons when my business grew by leaps and bounds, and I could hardly keep up with the rapid pace of expansion. The key is recognizing your season and understanding how to respond. When my business was in the season of maintaining, my trust in God went to another level because I solely had to depend on him. I could not worry about clients showing up or opportunities presenting themselves, I solely relied on God and his purpose and will for my business. It did not always look great, and I can say there were nights when I cried myself to sleep. This season made me dive deeper into understanding what it meant to rely solely on God and trust that his word will not return void.

There are seasons in business where your primary focus is simply sustaining what you’ve built. Maybe the market isn’t conducive to growth, or you’re dealing with personal or professional challenges that require your energy and attention elsewhere. This is not failure, and it doesn’t mean your business is stagnant forever. It’s a season where you’re ensuring that your foundation is strong enough to weather storms.

Take, for example, the story of Noah from the Bible. God gave Noah the command to build an ark and to sustain himself, his family, and all living creatures during the great flood. This wasn’t a time of expansion but a time of protection and maintaining what God had entrusted to him. Noah's focus wasn’t on growth but on survival and doing what God asked of him. Genesis 6:22 says, "Noah did everything just as God commanded him." Sustaining your business is about obedience, endurance, and doing what’s necessary to ensure the long-term health of your business.

During seasons like this, your focus should be on keeping things steady. It’s a time to refine your processes, evaluate your strategies, and build a solid foundation for future growth. But even in these seasons of sustaining, you must keep your faith strong and stay open to God’s guidance.

Then, there are seasons of growth when it feels like everything is falling into place and your business is expanding rapidly. Growth seasons require just as much attention as sustaining seasons, but the focus shifts to scaling and seizing opportunities. This season is where I knew that I needed a team to assist me. I could not do everything on my own, so what I needed from God in this season was different, and what’s so beautiful about God is he can be exactly what we need and want from him depending on what season we are in. I needed him to help me hire the right team so I could equip the business for the type of growth it was seeing. The Lord showed me a lot of favor in this season. Clients were coming and they were the clients I prayed for. I also had to learn how to manage everything that the Lord was sending me.

One of the most powerful examples of growth in the Bible is found in the story of Joseph. After being sold into slavery by his brothers and enduring years of hardship, Joseph found favor with Pharaoh and was placed in charge of all of Egypt’s resources. During a time of abundance, Joseph prepared for future famine by storing grain and managing the wealth of the land wisely. His growth was strategic, and he didn’t squander the opportunities God placed before him. Genesis 41:46 tells us, "Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh...and during the seven years of abundance, the land produced plentifully."

In your season of growth, you may feel like Joseph - opportunities are everywhere, and the resources to expand are at your fingertips. But even in these times, wisdom and strategy are critical. How you manage growth will determine the sustainability of your success.

The key is to recognize which season you're in and respond accordingly. Ask yourself, is your business growing or just sustaining? Neither season is better or worse than the other. Both are part of the journey. The most important thing is to stay attuned to God’s voice and be willing to shift when He calls for it.

With faith and purpose, let’s embrace our current season and trust God for the next step.

Don’t forget to check out my book “Where Faith and Business Collide: 30 Powerful Promises to Pray Over Your Business, Reminding You That God Still Sits on the Throne” because no matter what season you are in, this book will bless you and challenge you to look at your business and God’s promises differently.


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