Ready to expand your business with faith-driven strategies and advanced methods that increase revenue, simplify systems, and support the lifestyle you desire - all while preserving your personal and family time?



Ready to expand your business with faith-driven strategies and advanced methods that increase revenue, simplify systems, and support the lifestyle you desire - all while preserving your personal and family time?


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Can you relate? 

You’re a coach, consultant, strategist, or running a service-based business, working hard to build a venture that supports your family, lifestyle, and goals. You’re not just educated; you're an expert in your industry, and your confidence in your expertise is well-deserved.

Yet, something feels missing. You've been striving to integrate your faith into your business and understand what God is guiding you to do. Aligning your faith with your business can bring clarity, purpose, and a deeper sense of personal fulfillment and growth. Despite your extensive knowledge, you know you don’t have all the answers and need support to navigate the complexities of growth.

You’re in search of a practical path that seamlessly merges advanced business strategies with faith-driven principles. This approach isn’t just a theory - it’s a proven method that works in real business scenarios, delivering tangible results and growth. If this resonates with you, you’re in the right place.

I was once in your shoes, feeling something was missing and struggling to align my business with what I felt God was calling me to do. The relief and comfort of finding a solution to this struggle was immense. The transformation in my client’s business, growing from 7 to 40 employees while deepening her faith, confirmed I was on the right path. Or the moment a client asked for ten scriptures to lay under the floor of her restaurant as it was being built - it was clear that faith and business could genuinely collide. I understand the relief of finding a solution to this struggle, and I'm here to guide you.

You deserve guidance that aligns with your values and helps you build a business that supports the lifestyle you envision. Not empty promises, but someone who understands your journey and will help you create the life you desire. This is the reassurance you’ve been seeking - the comfort of knowing you’re on the right path.

Let’s work together to make that vision a reality, empowering you to confidently lead your business and live the lifestyle you've always dreamed of. This empowerment is about business growth and living out your faith in a way that truly matters.

Ready to learn more about how I can help you align your business with your faith and achieve your goals?


The real challenge? 

Standing strong in who you are and making it okay to show the real you in your business.

I was right there with you, knowing my industry inside and out but struggling to connect my expertise with a higher purpose.

I learned that blending faith with business wasn’t just okay - it was a game-changer.

The real magic happened when I merged my business savvy with faith-driven strategies, transforming my business into a true reflection of who I am.

Without making this crucial connection, I was settling for playing it safe when I could have been leading my industry and living out my higher calling.


“After speaking with Shaniece about her Business Coaching Program, I felt confident that she could help me reach my goals and help me break them down into manageable steps. I was very clear about what I wanted to get out of working with her. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and learn real strategies to help take my business to the next level. Since working with Shaniece I had one of my highest months ever, which was 16k month. She has taught me that it is okay to pray and dream big because God can do a lot of things. Shaniece’s program provides not only business coaching but a community of women and when you are around the right community, you inspire each other. If you are ready to level up your business, then Shaniece’s Business Coaching Program is for you.

Acquania Escarne, Wealth Strategist & CEO of The Purpose of Money

Meet Shaniece M. Wise

As a Business Expansion Coach and strategist, I’m here to help service-based entrepreneurs elevate their businesses to the next level, unapologetically blending faith and strategy. I don’t just teach you how to grow your business - I show you how to align it with God's promises, so you’re not just making money; you’re making moves that matter. You can trust in the authenticity of this approach, knowing that it's not just about profits; it's about purpose.

Forget cookie-cutter solutions. My approach is tailored to your unique journey. Whether you’re pushing to hit that six- or seven-figure mark or striving to bring your faith to the forefront of your business, I’m here to walk that path with you. Together, we’ll dig deep into your vision, break down the barriers holding you back, and build a business that truly reflects who you are and what you stand for.

I mix real-world business strategies with biblical truths because I believe that's where true transformation happens. My coaching isn’t just about profits; it’s about purpose. I’ll push you to grow, challenge you to think bigger and support you every step of the way while keeping you grounded in the word of God.

No fluff, no empty promises - just real talk and real results. Whether through my Business Audit Program, which offers a clear, step-by-step strategy to get you the breakthrough your business needs, my Business Expansion VIP Day, where we dive deep into your specific needs, or my comprehensive Business Expansion Coaching Program, designed to help you build and sustain growth, each of these programs is tailored to provide the guidance and support you’ve been praying for.

Let’s make your vision a reality and take your business to new heights.


Business Audit Program

Ever feel stuck, struggling to pinpoint what's slowing your business down? 

Discover exactly what’s causing the slowdown and get a tailor-made strategy to overcome those obstacles.

My Business Audit Program will help you identify the exact issues in your business and provide a custom strategy to fix them. With 90 days of hands-on support and a detailed Business Analysis, you’ll transform insights into actionable steps and elevate your business to the next level.

This isn’t just a plan - it’s your roadmap to tangible results and significant growth.



Check out my range of products, courses, and books designed to meet your specific needs as a business owner. 

Where Faith and Business Collide

30 Powerful Promises to Pray Over Your Business, Reminding You That God Still Sits on the Throne

Activating Your Gifts 2nd Edition

15 Steps to Identifying Your Gifts to Prepare for Entrepreneurship

The 5 Most Important Steps to Take When Starting a Business That Can Weather Any Storm



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